Station identification - recordings from 1960-1980

DX-recordings from my library of tapes and cassettes

Recordings from the library of Stefan Bursell

Some old weather reports

Radio Eco Bolivia - Carlos Espinoza Campaign 1989 part1 part2 epilogue


Recordings from special transmissions on shortwave

A transmission of Radio Syd via Gamtel Gambia on 7424 and 7485 kHz in Sep 1984 for Nordic DX-Championship

A special program from Radio Bayrak, Cyprus on 6150 kHz in Sep 1984 for Nordic DX-Championship

The first transmission from Radio St Helena via Cable&Wireless on 11092.5kHz in Oct 1990 for Nordic DX-Championship

A special programme from Radio St Helena via Swedish Radio - HMS Carlskrona visit in Apr 1992

A special programme for Radio St Helena from Kaj Kindvall, Swedish Radio - HMS Carlskrona visit in Apr 1992

List of Shortwave Broadcasting Stations of the World as of July 1 1946 - Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service, Washington, USA

Radio St Helena - last 2 hours with Tony Leo before close down December 25 2012 Read Jerry Bergs article of The Forgottten SW-frequencies here - PDF opens in new window

HCJB - DX Partyline with special announcement for the Nordx-95 Championship - also greyline DX and R Habana Cuba early days.

A special programme for Shortwave Bulletin aired June 30 1973 from RĂ¡dio Educadora de Uberlandia on 3295 kHz.

Entire programme here Some clips from the first part clip1 clip2 clip3 clip4 clip5 clip6 clip7


Page modified 230123

Comments appreciated - johnsekwall at