Recordings made by Björn Olsson (Olz) Umeå in mid-70ies
Recordings made by Börge Eriksson and Lennart Hane in 1960 to 1970. Some recordings are made by Stefan Bursell on tape 4 in the late70ies.
Index - to come
Recordings made by Anders Björkerling and Lars Skoglund during a trip to South America in Dec 1983 to Jan 1984. Mostly AM-stations.
It start with Brazilian stations on the first tapes, then Uruguay-Paraguay-Argentina-Bolivia-Peru and ends with Brazil. Extensive index here - 30 pages.
Recordings made by Henrik Klemetz in 1980ies - Index made by Takayuki Inoue. Click to listen here
Recordings of Ecuadorian stations made by Henrik Klemetz in 1980ies. Index and ID's made by Takayuki Inoue. Listen here
Uploaded 29-05-22