Archives in St Helena


Church records
Baptismal records  1680 - mid 20th Century
marriage records   1680 - mid 20th Century
death records   1680 - mid 20th Century

Government records
birth records   1853 - 1898
marriage records   1853 - 1936
death records   1853 - 1962

Records for later dates are available through the Register's Office at Essex House, Main Stree, Jamestown, St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean.

Arrival/departure dates of ships with description of ship (type), name of captain, itinerary and cargo were listed in the weekly newspaper "The St. Helena Guardian" from 1852 - 1923. In later publications (Church magazines: 1899 - 1942, Wirebird: 1955 - 1966, St. Helena News: 1958 to present) there were also news items on ship traffic.

For the period of 1673 to 1836 there are only the record books of the East India Company, which may mention some ships calling at St Helena. There are no records available at the archives for the period of 1836 - 1852.

There are no passenger lists available for ships which arrived at St Helena

Deeds and leases
Records are available from 1682 - 1885

 Research by the Archivist
The Governement Archivist, Mrs Maureen Stevens, does research on behalf of people. An inital flat rate of œ 15.-- is currently charged. For time consuming queries, she charges œ 1.50 per hour.

The above information has been provided by Mrs Maureen Stevens, Government Archivist, The Castle, Jamestown, St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean.

Internet sources
There are a number of places in the UK which have extensive material on the history of St. Helena and might be of interest to the familiy historians. A summary can be found at the St. Helena Institute Website. There is also a mailing-list for those who have a deeper interest.


This information has been supplied by Urs and Sue Steiner, Switzerland


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