Recordings made by Björn Olsson (Olz) Umeå in mid-70ies

Tape 1a
Tape 1b


Recordings made by Börge Eriksson and Lennart Hane in 1960 to 1970. Some recordings are made by Stefan Bursell on tape 4 in the late70ies.

Index - to come

Tape 1a
Tape 1b
Tape 2a
Tape 2b
Tape 3a
Tape 3b
Tape 4a
Tape 4b


Recordings made by Anders Björkerling and Lars Skoglund during a trip to South America in Dec 1983 to Jan 1984. Mostly AM-stations.

It start with Brazilian stations on the first tapes, then Uruguay-Paraguay-Argentina-Bolivia-Peru and ends with Brazil. Extensive index here - 30 pages.

Tape 1a
Tape 1b
Tape 2a
Tape 2b
Tape 3a
Tape 3b
Tape 4a
Tape 4b
Tape 5a
Tape 5b
Tape 6a
Tape 6b


Recordings made by Henrik Klemetz in 1980ies - Index made by Takayuki Inoue. Click to listen here

Recordings of Ecuadorian stations made by Henrik Klemetz in 1980ies. Index and ID's made by Takayuki Inoue. Listen here

Uploaded 29-05-22