Bachelor's Hall A house which was so called because the two bachelors Alexander Cotton and Richard Riley lived there by themselves in the 1820's.
The Canteen The island's only shop.
The Cookhouse The house where two women used to cook for the whole community.
The Government House In Earle's time (the 1820's) this was the dwelling in which the uislanders used to meet in the evenings.
Prince Philip Hall, The Hall The village hall named after Prince Philip who visited Tristan in 1957 and laid the foundation-stone of the building.
Quarter-Deck An open place in the Station which earlier was the centre of official celebrations.
The Station The public buildings built by the Naval garrison during the war, including the school, the hospital, and the post-office.
St Mary's Church A stone-walled building in the centre of the Settlement.
St Mary's School See The Station.